Wednesday, March 13, 2019

I rejoice greatly in the Lord that at last you had renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you have been concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. Philippians 4:10 NIV

My pictures lately may not be as inspiring as in the past. The site I was using didn't want me to use their pics without giving the name of the photographer. This is all well and good, but I couldn't figure out how to add this information to the pic. After many attempts, I decided to use my own pictures for a change. 

Paul is a great worshipper of the Lord. He often gives praise to the only one who deserves it. I like this about him, and I like it about me too. Worship reaches into us and releases the deepest, darkest, parts of our souls. It captures our imaginations, and allows us to see beyond the four walls around us.

I can be in turmoil over the crazies of living in a house with three adult children, a wonderful husband, and two huge dogs. {Let me say here, the hubby is never the concern.} When I play worship music whatever I was caught up in becomes a thing of the past. 

Have you ever run into a great, fluffy, warm bed with your head right into the comforter? I have, and, it feels as if clouds have engulfed you. It seems as if nothing is happening around you.
All you want to do is stay in that safe, soft, welcoming place.
There is firmness and stability, but your skin is soothed by the silkiness of the material.

Hugging a loved one especially as a child can feel wonderful too. Worship is better than anything we can try to compare to it. I thought I would write about something totally different, but this is for you, I know it. Maybe none of this is reaching you right now.

You have had a hard day, week or life. None of this seems real or attainable at all. God is a good Father and He wants you to know His goodness. This doesn't mean you will live a perfect life, without trials and hardship.

 This is where the trials start, because God loves you with a great passion. When we open to Him, He can mold us to be useable for His eternal Kingdom and purposes. It becomes your best life ever! 

We become the truest version of ourselves when we surrender to the Almighty. He can move through us to do the work of His Kingdom. How could anything be better than this?

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