Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Isrealites did evil in the Lord's sight. So the Lord handed them over to the Midianites for seven years. Judges 6:1

When I read this verse the other day it shocked me! It shocks me when I read any verse that says the Israelites did evil in God's sight. I expect more of them, because of the Godly witness that went before them. 

This is what Gideon, our man of the hour said to the Angel of the Lord: " Sir, Gideon replied, If the Lord is with us, why has all of this happened to us? And where are all the miracles our ancestors told us about? " Judges 6:13

Basically he tells the Lord, Hey, I know all the stories from the Bible, but where is God when I need him? Isn't this what people who aren't saved tell us when we mention God? The back side is about lack of relationship with God, and The Angel of the Lord was about to do something about that.

Those who know God,see his wonders, and he reveals himself to them. I'm not blaming Gideon for not knowing God. He has been through a tough time. I don't know how old he is, but let's just say he's in his twenties. Where are the elders who have kept the faith?

The witnesses were drowned out by sin and rebellion against God. The same thing is true of our day. We are the godly witness but we will not be drowned out! We must stand strong for those under us. It is easy for me to ralationalize and make excuses for someone else's behavior.

God has not changed his mind regarding marriage between a man and a woman. He hasn't decided that cohabitation is alright. Violence, drug addiction, and drinking haven't suddenly become part of his plan for our lives. Why? Because he loves us!

God is good, and just and right and if he didn't straighten us up we would fall flat on our faces. We are made to worship Him, with pure hearts. In the end the only thing that will matter is what have we done with Jesus.

Life with Jesus is more amazing than anything else in this world. He fulfills our needs, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Life isn't a bowl of cherries, but it makes sense! In the end, all things will be revealed and we will know why the pieces to the puzzle of our lives had to fit like they did.

This gives me peace and lots of comfort because I know I can trust Him with my life, even when I don't understand. We are all prone to ask questions like Gideon. Can we trust God to make a way according to His word? I think I can. How about you?

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

I watched as thrones were put in place and the Ancient One sat down to judge. His clothing was white as snow, his hair like purest wool. He sat on a fiery throne with wheels of blazing fire.
Daniel 7:9

Some of you know I've been reading the book of Daniel. It begins with an historical account of some amazing miracles. It also follows Daniel's life as a young man who was captured from Israel, and brought to Babylon. 

The Babylonian ways are foreign to Daniel and his friends, however they do not become a part of the lifestyle of these people. They stay clean and pure in God's eyes by following what they know to be right and just according to God's law.

What intrigues me about this is how it parallels our day. We  live in   a "foreign land" from what we knew when we were young. God hasn't changed, and His word hasn't either.  Our culture has changed, and it has brought more brokeness and heartache. Just as God was with Daniel in his need, so God is with us in ours. 

After Daniel's lion experience, the book tries to explain the visions given to Daniel from God. This is where it gets confusing.  I want to delve into this, but for our purposes today I want to point out a few things. I love how the 7th chapter in our verse  calls God the Ancient One.

It seems to define him properly, as do so many other definitions. With this name, we can sense the enormitity of who God is, and His place over the entire universe, and other universes as well. In verse 14 of this chapter it says "His rule is eternal- it will never end. His kingdom will never be destroyed."

This is refering to Jesus, Our mighty Warrior, whose authority and power will keep us from every ungodly thing. As in Daniel's day, God is faithful to keep those who seek after him. Can we grab hold of God and seek him to save us, and keep us?

This is a good wake-up call to me so I will look and watch. Occasionaly you might see a sign on trees in our area. They say, "Watch and Pray." I need to do this and not be lenient. Will you look at yourself for signs of wrong thinking or ideas? 

 If we are diligent in searching our own souls, we won't have others questioning our motives or wondering if we are wholly sold out to God. It will be evident. Blessings and love.

Friday, July 12, 2019

And the King assigned for them a daily portion of his own rich and dainty food and of the wine which he drank. They were to be so educated and so nourished for three years, and at the end of that time they might stand before the King. Daniel 1:5

Daniel and his friends had no idea what life in Babylon would bring. It wasn't their choice to live in a foreign nation. They were basically slaves with benefits. I'm sure life was better for them than other slaves, but everything was different.

 The food, was new, so were the clothes, language, customs and gods. Daniel wasn't going to give in to the lifestyle that he knew wouldn't be the best. None of the Kings food would work for the four hebrew men. It wasn't going to noursih them as the King had hoped.

When the day came to meet the King of Babylon, no one could believe that these four were healthier, brighter, and stronger than the others. What was their secret? They were nourished by fresh fruits and vegetables. No secret, just good common sense.

It was the way of the hebrews, the way these young men were taught, and they never forgot the truth. As the years went by they were challenged many times. You and I are challenged with lies of this world much like Daniel and company.

The ways of our modern world might seem good, until we hold them up to the light of the gospel. Our modern world will try to lure us into their way of thinking by telling us if it feels good, do it. This is far from the truth that sets us free.

Let us encourage one another toward good works, and speech, thought, and deed. We won't stand before the King of Babylon, but we will give account to the one who made all things. This is a daunting thought, however, it is the truth.

How many years we spend on this earth, only God knows. Let us make them count for the kingdom of God. Ask the Lord to show you things you can do to make a difference. It may seem small, but "Little is much when God is in it." We won't know until we get to heaven the influence our lives have truly made.

Monday, July 8, 2019

Create in me a clean heart, O God and renew a right spirit in me. Psalm 51:10 NLT

Isn't this a beautiful scene? Can you imagine having  a waterfall like this in your backyard? I can't! I'm happy to go to the beach 10 minutes down the road. This is what summer on Long Island is all about.

I don't want to miss another day outside, but my allergies don't allow me to enjoy everyday.
Today was one of those times my energy was sapped by allergens.

I stayed inside while my husband enjoyed the patio. Thankfully I can praise God for his beautiful creation from indoors. What are you thankful for ?

You may have noticed I haven't written in a few weeks. I have been busy making strawberry jam. It's a fund raiser for the Maternity Home here on Long Island, and I have enjoyed making it. Some might see it as work, but I don't.

It makes a nice gift to take to a barbecue or party. When the blueberries start to ripen,my friend Brenda and I will make blueberry jam. When it's cold and snowy we can take out our jam and have a taste of summer.

Most of our jam will be sold for the house. It's a small gesture, but it's what I can do for now. In September, I will be leading a 40 Days for Life campaign in Smithtown outside Planned Parenthood. I would appreciate if you could pray for us.

If you would like some jam please let me know. I'm asking for a donation of $10 a jar. So far I have sold 27 jars but I have plenty more. Like I said, you can save it and open some summer on a snowy day!

Friday, June 21, 2019

He is like a  tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Psalm 1:3 NIV

You have probably seen these flowers by the side of the road. Most people don't pay much attention to them, because they grow wild wherever they can take root. These were the kind of flowers my mother loved. It was simple to please her, and she didn't say she liked them because we were children.

As we became adults her preference was still for the wildflowers. I don't care much for them. I wasn't raised in the country like my mother. Her fondest memories were of visiting her Aunt on her farm and her Grandmother at her cabin by Seneca Lake. She grew up in the small town of Elmira in western New York, which borders on Pennsylvania.

When she finished college and came to NYC, the cab drivers would ask her where she was from, and she would reply "Elmira". The next question they would ask was" What your number?" They weren't asking for her phone but her prison number since a Penituntary was located there. This wasn't a good start for this shy, quiet country girl!

I wonder if wild flowers, like trees, root in a place where they will  recieve the life giving water to grow? I think it is safe to assume they do. Mom received the nuturing necessary to grow from her small family and friends far from the hustle and speed of Long Island.

She always spoke about going home to Elmira, but never did. As she grew older no one she knew lived there anymore. The place she remembered as home was no longer the same. What her longed for was in heaven. A safe refuge, and a place to feel accepted,  and loved would come before anyone was ready.

One day while my sister visited, our Mom hit her head as she fell. She insisted she was fine, but I called for an ambulance anyway. At 83 years old, we weren't going to take any chances. While she was in emergency she lapsed into a coma from a brain bleed, and died three days later.

Tragic, sad and life changing for us since my Mom lived with us at the time but I was so happy for her! She was in the place where she always wanted to be. No more striving to please others or trying to get that stupid walker to take her where she wanted.

I miss her so much, but I'm comforted by the truth that she is at peace, and loved by her heavenly Father much more than we can ever love her. Not a worry or care, and no more medicine! I will see her again, and it won't seem to her to be a long wait. She will turn around and I will look into her face, and she will say, "Oh You came with me! What a nice surprise." There is no time there, she won't know its been years. Oh, the goodness of God!

Friday, June 14, 2019

The men were amazed and asked, "What kind of man is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!" Matthew 8:27 NIV

Why are Jesus' disciples in awe of Jesus at this moment? He told the winds and waves to stop and they obeyed. I suppose they are getting to know him. He has healed the sick by this time, so maybe they thought He was some kind of healer?

Whatever they thought, it wasn't big enough to encompass  commanding the wind and the waves. I guess there were others  who healed, but no one who could command the basic elements of nature. No; this man Jesus was not like the others.

Why had the disciples chosen to follow Him in the first place? There was something compeling about Him, and each of them wouldn't say no to His offer to follow. Why did they continue to follow after the months gave way to years?

The hunger within them grew for more of God, and when Jeus was about to be the most popular, He died. Lots of lessons learned, but without Him they fell apart. What sense can be made of death?

Every other life would have been over, but not Jesus. This was the best part EVER! This is when commanding the wind and waves becomes commonplace. Rising from the dead was not expected, when though Jesus told them it would happen. 

He tries to communicate a lot of things to me but I don't usually get His message the first time or second time either. It took an incredible miracle to express the love of God, and bring Him back to life. When all else seems to be gone, God creates a miracle! The giver of life had to die, in order to make us new!

The one who made the stupendous mountains and swirling oceans had to empty Himself completely in death to release us of the power of sin. He laid down everything for you. He gave His last breath for me too.

Yet we don't listen closely to His heart beat all the time. The best we can do is listen closely more often.We can lay down our all for Him. WE can die to our own plans. Sometimes He will resurrect them. To God Be the Glory!

Friday, June 7, 2019

When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am.
And you know the way to where I am going." No, we don't know, Lord, Thomas said. We have no
idea where you are going so how can we know the way? "  John 14:3-5 NLT

"Silly Thomas! Why does he ask such questions?" I can imagine the other disciples thinking such 

things." When is he going to learn?" If the disciples of Jesus were truthful about the matter they had

 no idea what Jesus was saying either.

Why do I think this? We see in the book of Acts that the disciples dispursed after Jesus died. They 

seemingly had no direction and didn't know what would happen. I don't think we should look at 

Thomas as the doubtful one, but as the truthful one. 

Thomas was looking at the nature of things.His spiritual understanding may have needed an upgrade, 

but at least he didn't pretend he knew what was going on. I think it was rather smart of him to ask 

questions. When I was in school the teachers would say, "there aren't any dumb questions." Asking 

questions is how we learn.

I have to admit, I am afraid to ask a question most of the time. I don't want to seem uninformed, or

dumb. Do we really judge each other like this as adults? I think we do sometimes, or at least I have.

In the verses that follow, we hear Jesus explaining what he meant to Thomas, and the others.

Jesus told him, "I am the way the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father except through me.If you had really known me, you would know who my Father is. From now on, you do know him and have seen Him!" John 14: 6-7

If Thomas hadn't been honest, we may never have heard these truths that Jesus spoke to him. Jesus 

beautifully describes who He is, and who the Father is. Jesus plainly tells Thomas and the others that 

God himself is standing before them.  This isn't something  that's easy to comprehend, because the 

reality of it can pass over our finite minds. 

Jesus knew what was on the hearts of the disciples as he calls them out on thoughts more than once. 

This way of speaking honestly and openly was probably something new to them. Men, generally 

have less to say about emotions. These were rugged men, fishermen who worked outside in all kinds 

weather, no matter what was happening in their family life. If they didn't work, no one ate. 

I don't blame them for not understanding everything Jesus said. It has taken most of us years to 

grasp the simple truths of the Gospel. Seeking after Jesus, running towards Him is what makes the 

difference. Blessings and love.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

This is my daughter Stephanie and her cousin Kimberly. They have been good friends since they were very little. Kim lives in North Carolina, and we live on Long Island, but the distance doesn’t matter. Their friendship takes off right where they left it the last time they were together.

I find my relationship with God to be similar to this, however I try not to have long periods where I don’t talk or see Him. He never misses a beat, but if I wait too long in between my prayer, I get out  of step with Him.  This is what the Lord says: The heaven is my  throne room and the earth is my footstool. ( Isaiah 66:1) If someone has moved in our relationship it’s me.

Lately my allergies have made me drowsy, and I sleep more. I will wake up late, and try to cram a lot of prayer into a short period of time. This never works well, and my day will feel a bit out of wack. I have learned to place the prayer time into the day since it won’t do to miss it entirely. If you want to be  mad, upset and cranky, leave out prayer and there you have it!

My constant prayer has come right from my heart. I wake up asking the Lord for wisdom and guidance on this one. It is entirely over my head. We need a Maternity Home in Suffolk County where I live. There is nothing for women over the age of 21, which happens to be more than half of the women coming to Pregnancy Centers in our area. My friends are also as adamant about this issue.

Prayer is what will make the difference. No one who ever did anything for God did it in their own strength.God doesn't Get the glory when we use what he has given us to work out problems. He receives all glory honor and praise when He takes over and does what we can’t.

When we look to God with all our hearts souls and strength,  He will show up in power and the authority of heaven! Maybe you have circumstances right now that are less than perfect. WE all have times like this. We wouldn't be human if we were free from trials all the time.

The Body of Christ, is made up of believers who are in the local church to lean on when we have a need. We were not made to live alone, by ourselves and carry every burden ourselves. This is also why God made the family. When these gifts work according to God's design we can receive comfort from others. Call someone today and let them know what is on your heart! Pray with them, and if necessary do it once a week. We have busy schedules, but praying with someone over the phone can be an easy alternative to meeting somewhere.
Blessings and love.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Filled with compassion, Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. Be clean! Immediately the leprosy left him and he was cured.  Mark 1: 41-42

Have you enjoyed the nice weather yet? Depending on where you live, it may have only had a few days so far, but there’s more ahead. Every year I tell myself I won’t miss the beach weather, but then I do. This life is to be enjoyed, so I’ve got to get out there! No excuses for not going in 2019!

In our verse today the man with leprosy came to Jesus, begging him on his knees for healing. He asked Jesus if he would be willing to heal him. The opportunity to be made whole was right before him. It would be foolish not to ask Jesus to heal. Asking the one who created us to heal is like asking the sun to shine.

Jesus is the giver of life and wholeness, so why did this man feel unworthy of healing? Some versions of the Bible say in this verse that Jesus was indignant rather than compassionate. Jesus was feeling annoyance at what was perceived as unfair treatment, according to the dictionary. 

Jesus wasn’t annoyed with the man or his question, but at the bondage of the enemy. The enemy of our souls will go to great lengths to discourage our faith. He wants us to be filled with unbelief and anger against God. Have you ever felt this way because of your circumstances?

All of us have walked through discouragement at one time or another. If we keep our eyes looking up at our Heavenly Father we will be reassured that he is working in our situation.He isn’ t the one to hold back blessings. He wants to pour out good things on his children. 

I don’t know about you, but I can get in God’s way. I try to figure out how he might change my situation, and then get discouraged  when He doesn’t do what I expected. I have found he’s capable of making my circumstance just right without my help.

 As we often do, this man runs home and does the opposite of what Jesus told him. He tells everyone about his healing. This puts Jesus in a difficult place because now he must stay out of the cities and villages or be trampled by the crowds.

This man probably didn't’ know why Jesus told him to be quiet, and the excitement was too much for him. We can identify with this average man as we are likely to do similar things. Those who are slow to speak often please God the most.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Those living far away fear your wonders; where morning dawns and evening fades you call forth songs of joy.   Psalm 65:8

Yes, flowers are really beginning to bloom on Long Island. Spring is here and the days are warmer.We know it always comes but when its cold for months, we can forget how nice the warm breeze feels.

The past month has been a whirlwind of good activities. Last Saturday, my friends and I went to Manhattan for a Focus on the Family Rally in Times Square. The area was just as ugly and vile as I remembered it. 

As we praised Him, the mercy and grace of God became real to me. Even the vilest sinner he extends his hand of love! The Rally was to encourage New Yorkers for Life. We were blessed and we felt loved!  We rarely see Christian Leaders in New York!

Our laws for abortion are the worst in the country. Today, Governor Kemp of Georgia signed the LIFE Act, banning abortion after 6 weeks. This is a landmark decision, and all of the pro-life movement is saying, this is an improvement! Life begins at conception, so we have some ground to conquer, but thankfully Governor Kemp has more sense than others.

WE can praise God even when the world around us is falling into great trouble, because we know He is the Redeemer. Anyone who turns to Him will be made whole if repentence is real in their lives. Jesus, who endured all sickness and shame for us, knows how to bring anyone to life.

He offers freedom from anxiety, fear and shame. He gives in abundance, and then He gives again! There is no end of His blessings, and He loves to give to overflowing. As a river flowing after the rain, His goodness will pour out on all who obey and follow Him.

Saturday we are having a big event at my home. A Yard /Bake Sale and a raffle. WE are raising money for the Breath of Life Maternity Home. You may not recognize this name because it doesn't exsist except in our hearts. Young women come to Pregnancy Centers on Long Island who are over 21. Our county doesn't house any pregnant woman over the age of 21.

Where can they go? A shelter? Is that a good place for a pregnant girl? 

Thursday, April 25, 2019


Cast all your cares on him, because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

This is my Stephie. Today she is a senior at Smithtown Christian School, and last week was her Senior Prom. I don’t mean to be redundant, but, where has the time gone? It seems like last week I was in High School. Life was simpler then, or at least it seems like it. 

We didn’t deal with cell phones. Our house had two phones; one upstairs and one downstairs. You couldn’t call two different people at the same time since one of those phones was an extension. Can you imagine such a thing? This is all most people had. Now I take my cell phone everywhere, and don't want to be without it.We couldn't go back to the old way because the pay phones are gone. How would we reach someone in an emergency?

There is much anxiety over cell phones today. Parents and children deliberate about how much they cost, whose paying for them, and who will pay for the service. All we had to do was deal with each other's phone time. One phone for all four of us. How long is too long on the phone?

Most of the time none of this was a problem. My brother didn't make many calls. My sister and I were the only ones, since our Mom was gone most of the day at work. Today, how long one is using their personal phone is not the concern, but what's said during that time. Texting  can cause us to feel even move remote from those whom we communicate with.

The old adage, "Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me" is such a lie! Words do hurt, and they last far longer in the mind of an individual than we may realize. Our brains hold all words, inflections, tones, and body language that go along with words.

If we could only see others the way Jesus sees them before we said or texted or phoned anyone! How many times I have read a text a day later and said" I wish I read this through before I sent it." I'm quick to say anything in a text because it is instant, almost as if the person is in the room, but they can read it when it's convenient. Guard your words, written, texted and spoken.

Here is a really different way of writing James 1:19-21 from The Message:" Post this at every intersection, dear friends: Lead with your ears, follow with your tongue, and let anger straggle along in the rear. God's righteousness doesn't grow from human anger. So throw all spoiled virtue and cancerous evil in the garbage. In simple humility, let the gardener, God, landscape you with the Word, making a salvation- garden of your life."

Anxiety can be avoided by careful consideration on our part. I don't want to have misunderstandings or hurt feelings, and neither do you. We are His creation made for good works.

Help us Lord Jesus to reflect your character through word and deed. Let us put thought behind our words and think about the long term consequences. As your coming is closer than ever before, may we take each day as a reminder that not one of us has tomorrow guaranteed. In Jeus' name Amen.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Greet all God's people in Christ Jesus. The brothers and sisters who are with me send greetings. Philippians 4:21 NIV

I hope you don't think I forgot about you. I would never do that. I am starting a new endeavor that God has placed on my heart, so I poobably will write once a week. He is moving in marvelous ways that many of us have never seen before. 

I am joining a Pregnancy Center on Long Island called" breath of life." My job will include fund raising for a Maternity Home here in Suffolk County. Presently, there isn't any Christ Centered place for us to direct a young girl to go to have her baby instead of abort.

Out of darkness comes light. From the evils of NY s240, the bill passed in January to extend abortion to birth, has come much push back. People are begining to see the darkness of places like Planned Parenthood. Other states are passing laws to slow down the progression of what has happened in New York.

New York sets precedents for other states, but this time it backfired! Thank God states like Georgia and Ohio have enough sense to set up some safeguards so full term abortion doesn't come to them.

This push back isn't completely what God would have, but it's better than moving forward. We are gaining ground for His purposes. Much prayer is required and is lifted up to the Throne of God's grace, and He is answering our cries!

The movie 'Unplanned" was released according to God's timing, and is a powerful tool in His hands to gain ground for the Pro life Movement. The horrific truth of this movie and the life of Abbie Johnson sends home the message that we are in deep trouble with the "Maker of Heaven and Earth" if we don't seriously make an about-face as a nation.

Thank God for President Trump! No matter what you may think of him as a person, God is using him. Remember, God used a donkey to speak to Baalam in Numbers 22:21-39. I don't think Trump is an ass, and I don't think of Congress as Baalam, but there could be a similarity. I'm being silly of course, but who else would stand up to the politically correct crowd without budging?

We need a stubborn donkey to stand up for us! Funny how life can turn around and be so profound. A man who New Yorkers around these parts never took seriously becomes the answer to our prayers. How funy is that! He is defunding abortion clinics.God has a sense of humor! Psident Donald Trump is being used by God. Who would have thought?

* Our Yard Sale has moved to May 11. We will have a raffle and Bake Sale at this time as well. It will begin at 10:00 until 4:00.

Friday, April 5, 2019

He tends His flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those who have young. Isaiah 40:11

This verse speaks to me about the current state of America. When did we stop caring for our young? There isn't any specific date or time we can pin this to, but the rise of abortion has made the picture clear. America needs to wake up and fight for life.

I felt as if I was thrown out of my comfortable spot when New York passed the infamous s240 bill in January. Why did the church allow this to happen? Why had we stepped back, and fallen into a stupor? I can only speak for myself on this; I was lulled to sleep by other things.

New York allowed abortion before it was federally mandated for every state. Did I think it would always be here? Did I give up the fight? Maybe, but I'm back now.

One of the things I think that discouraged me was the lack of any progress. We would pray, but not see any real tangible results. This is no longer our story! Since our campaign with"40 Days for Life" at Smithtown- Planned Parenthood, we have saved 3 babies! It is very exciting.

Not only do we help those who are needy, but we are planning a "Home for Young Mothers- Suffolk. " I am having 24 people to my house tonight to discuss the feasibility of such a place.  People from 5 different churches throughout L.I. We started a bank account, and by God's grace it is growing!

 We may have a piece of property as well! Two months ago all I had were a few friends, and some change in my bank. God spoke to my heart and said, "Focus on me, and move forward," and I have been doing this since that day. 

We hope to have a Yard Sale on Saturday, April 27 from 10:00 to 4:00 at my house, 30 Cobbler la. East Setauket. We are planning other events as well. I will keep you informed. Please pray for us. This could be a long road, but it's on God's heart.Who can stop the Lord Almight?

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13 NIV

This is a picture of my youngest when she was about a year old. She is a gift from the Lord. She said to me this morning, "I didn't ask to be born", which is true. None of us ask for birth, but it is an honor given by God. I'm thinking she doesn't see this at the moment.

The teen years can be brutal especially in our current society. What someone thinks of them can ruin not only their day, but  their week or more. It's been so long ago for me since I was this age. I know it was hard, and I was a different person after High School. A new freedom came to me, and that I remember well.

I gave my heart to the Lord at about the same time as graduating from school. These were both major turning points in my life, but obtaining eternal salvation as a free gift from the hand of God, nothing can compare! I knew a freedom and confidence never imagined before! I was lighter, or so it seemed. 

The burden of sin was heavy on my shoulders, and giving over everything to Jesus was a release I will never forget. Our verse today is uplifting and inspiring and has helped many over thousands of years. There is one thing I cannot do, however. 

I cannot save myself; none of us can. Jesus, as the sinless, perfect, Son of God had to take our place and die for our sins. This truth never ceases to amaze me! Why would He do this? Why would He give up everything to take my place? Only love would be strong enough to keep Him on the cross.

This season is all about life! Jesus is risen from the dead, and life begins to sprout out of the earth. Newness of life is celebrated,  but  not everywhere. Death reigns in the hearts of unbelievers, and in some of them even to the level of destruction.

40 Days of Life, an  international organization asks us to pray to stop abortion. Planned Parenthood in Smithtown where our church is, has people outside holding signs every day from 7am, to 7 pm. I am one of them. Many churches are involved, and we stand hand in hand for the cause of Christ.

Unity doesn't come easily. It took a tragic law to be passed in New York to wake many of us out of our stupor. I love the people I stand with on Maple Ave. in Smithtown, and they love me. I would never have met these lovely catholic people, if I had stayed home. God has a way of turning the worst circumstances into good! We have saved 2 lives so far. Who can stop the Lord Almighty? 

Friday, March 29, 2019

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in pleny or in want. Philippians 4:12 NIV

 The Apostle Paul is one of my favorite people. He had his trust in God no matter the circumstances, and I admire this about him.  The ability to trust didn't come from Paul's strength. I can admire him all day long, but nothing changes in me until I look at Jesus. 

Paul stood no matter what because of this time in the presence of the Lord through prayer and Bible reading. The wealthiest people in the world can be the most unhappy, because no matter how much the media tries to tell us that wealth makes us happy it doesn't work in real life.

The love of money can control, distrot, and ruin our souls, however I know those who manage lots of money well. What you love will control you. Our friend Charlie enjoys himself. He has huge sailboats, lives on a exclusive Island, and plays golf with celebrities. It has never changed who he is on the inside.

He loves people, and cares about them. He is generous, and he remembers where he came from. His friends are everyday people and some not-so everyday people. My husband and I love this  about him, and Charlie helps us every year with our finances.

He sits down with the lawn-care workers and has pizza with them. I know people in my humble neighborhood who wouldn't think of doing this! Are we too important for those around us? Are we happy on the lean times and the good? Can we trust God to provide when we don't see where it's coming from?

I ask myself these questions all the time. Where is my trust? If I look back at my life I can remember many instances when He showed up at the right time. It wasn't my choice of when He should have rushed into the scene, but it was his timing.

We might think that God missed the perfect opportunity to bless us, but he knows the best way to do all things. I need to be reminded of this too. I'm glad I have you to tell these things.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Not that I am implying that I was in any personal want, for I have learned how to be content in whatever state I am. Philippians 4:11

This is my son Matthew at age four. I didn't send him to Pre-school because he wanted to be with me. We had a lot of fun together that year. He did go to Sunday School and violin lessons, and I was happy with this. Now that he is twenty four we still spend time together, and I feel so blessed. He will be home for a few months before he starts school again.

There is much to be said about the bonds between mother and child. My children have good memories, but not all of us can say the same. I'm not being negative about my parents because they did the best they could. They loved us as much as they were able, and I'm grateful for this. The scars are still familiar though.

I wonder how many of us can say the same? What about all the young women in our communities stuck in the cycle of pleasing others. They have bought ino the lie that they will never measure up to so and so or be as pretty as the guys want them to be. There is no peace or acceptance of who they are.

I want to tell you what God has been doing in my life recently. In late January, early February New York was thrown off their horse by the Abortion bill called S240. In passed unexpectedly behind everyone's back. I have to say my eyes were blinded to the seriousness of the situation until this passed. Abortion is now legal at any stage of pregnancy up to the baby's due date.

My earnest prayer has been"God have mercy." My desire to do something led me to empty by piggy bank {don't laugh} into a bank account. I had saved coins  from around the house for two years. I had collected the money for cans from the supermarket. My violet colored pig was about to burst, and I coud hardly carry her to the bank.

All I have done is tell this simple story to others. In two days I have had three women say to me,"I will do the same and give you the money." One woman from my church said, " I will turn in my old coins at the exchange and give you what I am given."  God put in into my heart to go to the bank. There is a saying, "Little is much when God is in it."

What is the money for? A home for Unwed Mothers. I feel if we are standing out in front of Planned Parenthood, we need to be able to tell these precious women we have a place for you and your baby. We are part of a prayer vigil for 40 days through an organization called "Forty Days For Life. We don't shout, or carry unappropriate signs. We pray. We talk when we are asked questions. Our presence has saved lives.

Last Friday a mother dropped off her sixteen year old daughter to have her second abortion. The Mom was distraught, and said to one of us,"I know this is wrong, and I didn't want to do this!" The girl who was on the other side of the building came running down the driveway saying, "Wait Mom, I want to talk to these people too!" This ladies were given directions to a free clinic for a sonogram. They wanted this child.Not every story has a happy ending. 

I am having a meeting with the Crisis Pregnancy Center leaders in our area to brainstorm about what we feel God would have here, now. Would you pray for us? Some of you are in states where this hasn't happened yet. May it never happen. All I know right now is God has said to me, Focus on me, and move forward. The Mama Bears march on.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

I rejoice greatly in the Lord that at last you had renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you have been concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. Philippians 4:10 NIV

My pictures lately may not be as inspiring as in the past. The site I was using didn't want me to use their pics without giving the name of the photographer. This is all well and good, but I couldn't figure out how to add this information to the pic. After many attempts, I decided to use my own pictures for a change. 

Paul is a great worshipper of the Lord. He often gives praise to the only one who deserves it. I like this about him, and I like it about me too. Worship reaches into us and releases the deepest, darkest, parts of our souls. It captures our imaginations, and allows us to see beyond the four walls around us.

I can be in turmoil over the crazies of living in a house with three adult children, a wonderful husband, and two huge dogs. {Let me say here, the hubby is never the concern.} When I play worship music whatever I was caught up in becomes a thing of the past. 

Have you ever run into a great, fluffy, warm bed with your head right into the comforter? I have, and, it feels as if clouds have engulfed you. It seems as if nothing is happening around you.
All you want to do is stay in that safe, soft, welcoming place.
There is firmness and stability, but your skin is soothed by the silkiness of the material.

Hugging a loved one especially as a child can feel wonderful too. Worship is better than anything we can try to compare to it. I thought I would write about something totally different, but this is for you, I know it. Maybe none of this is reaching you right now.

You have had a hard day, week or life. None of this seems real or attainable at all. God is a good Father and He wants you to know His goodness. This doesn't mean you will live a perfect life, without trials and hardship.

 This is where the trials start, because God loves you with a great passion. When we open to Him, He can mold us to be useable for His eternal Kingdom and purposes. It becomes your best life ever! 

We become the truest version of ourselves when we surrender to the Almighty. He can move through us to do the work of His Kingdom. How could anything be better than this?

Monday, March 11, 2019

Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me- put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:9 NIV

What a pleasure it is to be writing to you. I have been sick for three months so you may have noticed I haven't been writing much. I just found out I have parasites in my gastro- intestinal system. I was treated initially for a urinary tract infection with no positive result; then for yeast, which I probably had, but still not well.

 Finally my doctor who is a wellness practioner, tested me for parasites after everything else was not working completely. In three days on this supplement, I feel like myself again! Thank God! I'm still fighting for complete healing but I'm confident this is the right direction.

It's hard when everything you try seems to be ok, but not the right treatment. I prayed for direction every day, and I believe the Lord sent me to the right people. Everything feels off when you are not digesting your food.  I eat clean, but sometimes this can backfire too. These little pesties can be found so many places!

Enough of that, Let's talk about Our dear friend Paul. You know he would be like us if he were here. I'm sure people flocked to him where ever he went as he spoke about Jesus. He didn't have much free time, but I'm sure he made prayer a priority every day.

Our verse today reminds us of the Godly character Paul established as he walked with God. He wasn't born with it, on the contrary, his natural man was the same as ours. He had to spend time in the presence of the Holy one, on his knees, asking, seeking and knocking. 

The fruit of our labor in prayer brings bountiful blessings with eternal value. We receive peace in this life and the one to come. What is especially important is emphasing the peace for right now. People are searching everywhere for some sort of peace.

The farther we are from God, the less peace we have. Divided families reap a bountiful harvest of pain, fear and anxiety. My father didn't mean for this to happen to us, but he didn't know the way to peace with God. I loved him, and saw the depth of his pain and emptiness.

Maybe this is why I hunger for my Father in heaven. He is my "abba" daddy God. His love comes in mountainous waves of compassion and uncompromise. He will not let me go. No, He will keep me by His side no matter what. 

This peace, which He gives, cannot ever be matched. Nothing satisfies like the one who made us to be satisfied by Him alone. Other things might fill a part of our cavernous souls for a while, but Jesus will stay as long as we want. Why would I want anything else?

Monday, March 4, 2019

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is praiseworthy- think about such things. Philippians 4:8 NIV

If I had to choose one verse as my absolute favorite, this one would be on the list. I know this is a non commital way of saying I really appreciate it, but honestly how hard it is to choose just one!

When I meditate on these particular verses in Philippians from 4: 4-9, I can stand strong and my feet are on solid rock. It brings stability I otherwise wouldn't have. Thank God we have His word!

Dr. Caroline Leaf in her book-"Switch on your Brain" verifies  neroulogically how our brains actually change when we use the Bible as our meditation. We can block out the worthless, dead and harmful words spoken to us by replacing them with the truth. What about parts of the Bible we don't understand?

I could leave out a few, like geneologies, but they serve an important purpose. I can't apply lists of people from thousands of years ago to my life in any way, to make sense of the mess around me.  These verses don't speak peace to my soul or comfort for my  day.

The lists we see as endless, faceless people prove Jesus is from the  lineage of David, the King.  The Messiah is said to be from David's family, and this was crucial in the day when Jesus lived on earth. The Jews knew many things about the coming Savior, but few of them wanted to believe he would be a suffering servant.

We can understand this, we all want someone who can come in strenght and power and deliver us from bondage, whether it be to slavery or something else. Those who missed the Messiah were hoping to be released from earthly bondage, and Jesus offered better. Those who missed Him were not looking for eternal blessings.

Have I missed some of God's best while looking for my own way of solving issues? Have I missed the Savior by thinking I knew what I wanted would be best? I can surely say, yes. I have learned to look for my selfishness, and turn to something good, right and true. God's light shining through me is what I want, and is best all around.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

I've been meaning to tell you about my weekend, but I needed time to sort things out in my brain. I went to Albany with some friends for The Day of Mourning. New York has passed recently the most hein0us abortion bill in our country's history.

The one who organized this Prayer Meeting isn't from New York. Her name is Elizabeth Johnston, and she is know on the internet as "The Activist Mommy." She lives in North Carolina, but she felt God's tug on her heart, to come to Albany.

We didn't know she wasn't from New York. I assumed she was a New Yorker, but when I found out she wasn't I felt ashamed to be a Christian in New York. Why hadn't we thought of this ourselves I wondered? "Are we complacent Lord," I asked. He assured me that we aren't but that Elizabeth was a gift to us to move forward!

This entire meeting was put together in three weeks. When we asked those who are part of Elizabeth's group how this could be, they said,"It's a miracle." How were they able to rent out a conference room in a State building in New York? I can't even imagine!

Not only is it a State building, it was the room directly under the place that our Governor signed the bill into law. God is doing amazing things, as this is what He is known for. God God is greater than any arrogant, hostile Governor, or legislator! We have the God of all creation on our side.

We mean no harm to anyone because that's not the way God operates. He works in the silent places of the heart, to bring people to the truth. We pray for Governor Cuomo every time our Prayer Meeting meets. He is desperately lost, but no one is too far away from God. He has turned around the vilest sinner to see the light of His glory and grace.

I read today that D.C. was shocked to learn that the Law on Capitol Hill to give babies born alive after an abortion life as voted down. How can this be? It baffles my mind, and many others too. Hopefully the outcry will be overwhelming because the devil overplays his hand. 

What did we do for four hours in the Conference Room? We prayed for mercy on New York, and for strength for Pastors to stand up with courage against this heinous crime. My Pastor mentioned abortion for the first time in a service two weeks ago and he is planning on talking about it this Sunday too. Do what you can sisters, to save babies lives!

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

And the peace of God which transends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7 NIV

This beautiful chapter we are studying now, has some of the most profound truths. These verses are well known and memorized because of the power and authority God has given us through His written voice.  I am glad Jesus is guarding my mind and heart.

In His tender care I rest and learn how to love. Who else should teach us about love but the one who loves us the most? We can't understand this great love and peace, but we know it is mighty. It is more real than anything we can see with our eyes, or hear with our ears.

His love and peace never waiver. We can walk away from these blessings, but He remains steadfast and true no matter what. His arms remain open and waiting for our return. He welcomes us as a long lost daughter. The parable of the prodigal son beautifully describes how God sees us, and wants us back in His arms.

There is safety there. When we feel safe, we can rest, and hear what our Father is saying to us. He blankets us by His Spirit, with a love that's warmer than your best comforter coming out of the dryer. Think of the smell of your comforter. It's fresh and clean, and you feel as if you can do anything!

The Holy Spirit is much greater than a blanket, but it is known as our "comforter." Sometimes a word picture can paint for us a feeling. Peace in God is the most amazing experience. It isn't based on our circumstances, or how much we have. It reflects heaven and all the unmerited favor He has poured out on us.

The fence in the picture today represents our hearts. Will we allow everything in, or will we allow God to protect us by closing the gate to lies, troubles or disease? Standing for God in a culture where anything goes is a bold move, but it's the place of safety.

The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and are safe. Proverbs18:10 NKJV

I could quote scripture all night and not run out of verses on the security we have in Jesus. Are you in God's place of safety? If you're not sure, call upon the Lord in the name of Jesus. Ask Him to cleanse you of sin and of all unrighteousness. He will gladly come in to your life and heart!

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Philippians 4:4-5 NIV

Flowers are one of the greatest gifts God has given to this earth. This is not a surprise to you if you follow my blog, because I have always made it known. What is it about flowers that make some women all mushy on the inside?

It's snowing out but my mind is on flowers. They seem to speak of better things to come. They are a bit of light in the darkness. They exsist to give us pleasure. How great is our God, to think of us and care about our feelings.

 Many people don't know that God cares about them in a very deep and personal way. Some might even say He doesn't care for anyone or anything, but they would be wrong. To experience Jesus' love and grace speaks to us of another place, much greater than our own.

At times I sit at this computer and close my eyes. I do this so I can meditate on His love. There is nothing greater, and nothing like it. How could you compare God's love to anything else? The comparison would never do it justice.

Let's take a crack at it. God's love is greater than riding your favorite roller coaster over and over with your favorite candy in hand. That is pretty lame. What about swimming in the caribbean with your best friends, and dolphins in the distance? Maybe a little better. How about enjoying your family, and praying together, and for each other?

This idea is good, but kind of designed for me. You may like it too. It hasn't happened in a while, but I'm trusting God. Rejoicing in the Lord is what I started out to share today.  God's love is something incredible to rejoice about!

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Yes, and I ask you loyal yokefellow, help these women who have contended at my side in the cause of the gospel, along with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life. Philippians 4:3 NIV

Paul is honoring women for their work and dedication to the gospel. We don't hear much about women in the Bible but I believe those who followed Jesus honored and respected women just as Jesus did.

Our society doesn't respect women, as we are bombarded with t.v. commericals that exploit girls. Perfumes, clothing, make-up all have to be just right in order to be excepted and valued. None of these things add value to a person, or endure for very long.

The new abortion bill in N.Y. devalues life but also women. No longer is murdering a unborn child through abuse of the mother a crime. If the child dies through abuse, no criminal charges will be brought against the abuser. Before this bill it was considered murder.

How could this be good for women, but yet this is what the opposition proposes. People who never thought about abortion before are appauled by the audacity of the N.Y. Senate for allowing a child to be killed upto the day of birth! 

Changing a law doesn't make right what has always been wrong. The consequences of destroying life is not something any of these lawmakers could fathom. Evil, demonic actions don't evaporate into the air. We are praying for those who stand behind this bill, and we earnestly want them to be saved from hell.

 Paul reminds these dear people of what's valuable. Their names are written in the Lamb's book of life. Their hope goes beyond this menial existence, to a far greater reality. Winston Churchill is quoted as saying,"If you think you are walking through hell, keep going!" Words well said.

Would you pray for me and my group as we go to Albany this weekend?  We will be mourning the death of so many that have been lost or will be because of this new abortion legislation. It is an outdoor rally, so please pray for warmth, would you? Thanks, I will let you know what happens. 

The important part of this verse is how Paul reminds these dear people of what's valuable. Their names are written in the Lamb's book of life. Their hope goes beyond this menial existence, to a far greater reality.

Friday, February 15, 2019

I plead with Euodia and I plead with Syntyche to agree with each other in the Lord. Philippians 4:2 NIV

Have you ever been told by a church leader to get along with your arch nemasis? There are women that just seem to rub us the wrong way. They're too quiet or too loud, or bossy or whatever we may find annoying.

Maybe a comment here or there about your child? Women can get really protective if their child is percieved to be under attack, especially new Moms. Our sensitivities can be on high alert since we have never raised a child before, and everyone seems to have an opinion about how to do it. A comment or a dig can seem harmless to us, but wound someone else.

These two women sat under Paul's ministry so they aren't just anyone. It had to be a pretty serious rift if Paul has to address it in his letter. It doesn't matter what it was about. Our enemy knows how to divide and conquer. He doesn't have any new tricks, just the same ones he's always used.

Unity is particularily important for these two since they are witnesses to the Gospel. Our church has been praying for unity along with repentance and revival. These three seem to go hand in hand. How can we have one without the other? This is a work in progress as we pray for our Island and tri-state region.

What about our dear women in Philippi? I am quite sure after Paul's adminition there was reconcilitation. Who can argue with Paul or with the idea of laying down differences for the sake of the Lord and His message? Most certainly I would have been quite upset to have this mentioned in a letter to my church!

I would rather be beat up than to suffer such embarassment. I'm  sensitive about being wrong, or publically renounced. Who wouldn't be? Sometimes our words can sting someone, and we never meant it, but it becomes a big problem.  It snowballs into hurt feelings, feeling betrayed, or other things.

Lysa Terkeurst in her book titled "Uninvited" wanted to get a message to women. She felt women needed to know that each one of us go through times of feeling abandoned, rejected or alone. If you are in ministry this happens all too often.

Working with others in ministry can be confusing. We may have certain expectations of how others should talk, believe and worship, among other things. Can we love them anyway? Can we pray for them if need be? I know we can. Blessing and love to you for a great weekend!