Do you remember the days of catching lightening bugs in a glass jar? My brother, sister and I would make forts out of the lawn chairs and place beach towels over them. The towels would hold the fort together.
We thought it was the greatest fun. What do you remember about being a child during the summer? Did you swing in your backyard, or at the park?
"Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes." Ephesians 6:11 NIV
Why do we think our lives consist of only the things we see? Children actually have a better handle on looking past what is obvious to see what is less obvious.
Children are not hindered by self consciousness, or fear of what others might think. They are spontaneous and exuberant and full of life and fantasy.
Why do we loose these attributes as we get older? Do we really know better as we mature? Not always. The enemy of our souls doesn't want us to believe in a spiritual world.
If we believe only what is in the natural, we won't try to defeat him. He likes to be undercover and able to spread lies where ever he can.
His main deception is to turn all people against God.
The enemy wants us to believe God isn't good, and he doesn't care about us. He will bring accusations against God's character in order to place doubt in our minds.
God's armor, which we will look at further in the next few days can quench all the lies and distortions of the liar.
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