"From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work." Ephesians 4:16 NIV
What a wonderful picture this verse paints for us. If only it actually worked the way God intended it. There are divisions, arguments, and outright fights between the members of God's body. We are a broken people in America. Division is a tool of the enemy to bring down the body of Christ.
What can we do to bring about peace and healing? Prayer is a tremendous vehicle of change. God hears and answers prayer. We ask God for revival and He is willing and able to do this. It is on His heart but we need to be vessels of change and peace.
Do we as christians want to see our country overcome with ungodliness and moral destruction? Not at all. Nations who are strong have strong moral fiber as their base. Pray for God to shake us! This is a scary prayer but it may be our only hope.
Why don't we see answers to prayer as some do in foreign countries? Have we become too lax in our devotion to God? Have we been lulled to sleep by our culture of status quo? Do we have a heart for what God wants?
Why has MS 13 become strong in many states across our land? Do we join in prayer with churches in our area to pray for these young people who are full of violence and drugs? Please tell me yes! Tell me you have a desire to bring change in your neighborhood.
I'm not pointing a finger at you because I haven't been active in this area either. God gives to every one of us differing gifts and abilities. What if you are the one who is called to bring God's body together? He equips those whom He chooses. Be the change you want to see in this world.
Walking out our relationship with God may not look like what we had in mind. There could be one of you or more who are asking God to use them to do something radical. It only takes a spark to get a fire going!
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