"Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God." Ephesians 5:1-2 NIV
Live a life of love! I think this is probably every heart's desire starting out in life. We get pushed off course so many times as life goes on and we don't know how to get back up. Which way is up we may ask. It reminds me of being tossed by a wave in the ocean.
When I was young getting tossed by a wave was my biggest fear while being in the ocean. I remember loosing all touch with the right way up. How can I put my feet down when I don't know where down is?
I felt this exact way when going through post partum depression. How do I stop this tumbling over and over again. How do I put my feet on solid ground where I won't get tossed any longer? Only Jesus had the answer, and only Jesus was the answer.
The enemy of our souls wants to keep us tumbling so we will deny Christ and follow after things in order to bring death to us. He will serve up a whole lot of trouble and put it on a platter for us to enjoy. It won't look like trouble, oh no, he is too crafty for this.
It will come in beautiful, well wrapped boxes camouflaged to look innocent and serene. It's no big deal if I have a few drinks, how can it hurt me? What if I am friends with a few men I don't know on my twitter? It isn't a bad thing. It could be completely innocent, but before you know it things are out of control.
God tells us to imitate Him, and this is how we will stay under His care where we can be safe. Sure, the unexpected can happen to us, but it is never unexpected to God. We can be surprised by situations and we are at times but we do not want to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. We don't want to be unprotected by His grace.
Stay in a safe place friends, out of the way of evil. Jesus is our strong tower! The righteous run to Him and are safe! Proverbs 18:10.
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