"To me, who am less than the least of all the saints, this grace was given, that I should preach among the gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ," Ephesians 3:8 NKJV
When Paul says the unsearchable riches, I believe he means that we could never come to the end of the riches that God has given. In searching out all that God has for us, we would not have enough time in our lives to find them all. Precious jewels on earth rot with time: these riches endure forever, and never stop glistening.
God does want us to be aware of what he has done for us. He wants us to seek for him, because he will be found. Just as Jesus spoke in parables, God has hidden truths in his word for us to identify. Why does he hide them? They are only for those who seek after him, and put him first in their lives.
If everyone knew the treasures hidden inside, they might trample them, and not consider the truth within. Our heart attitude is what Jesus is after. I wish I could tell you there was an easier way, but there's not. Dying to our own selfish ways is the only way to see Jesus.
Paul is very humble in this passage, probably since he remembers where he was before Christ. That is enough to humble any of us. The light of the Gospel thrusts us out of darkness and shame, and gives us" joy unspeakable and full of glory." 1Peter1:8
The joy of the Lord is with Paul as he now encourages those he once incarcerated. His life is a perfect example of a life that was changes completely by the grace of God. What wonders does God have in store for you and I? Only time will tell.
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