I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in pleny or in want. Philippians 4:12 NIV
The Apostle Paul is one of my favorite people. He had his trust in God no matter the circumstances, and I admire this about him. The ability to trust didn't come from Paul's strength. I can admire him all day long, but nothing changes in me until I look at Jesus.
Paul stood no matter what because of this time in the presence of the Lord through prayer and Bible reading. The wealthiest people in the world can be the most unhappy, because no matter how much the media tries to tell us that wealth makes us happy it doesn't work in real life.
The love of money can control, distrot, and ruin our souls, however I know those who manage lots of money well. What you love will control you. Our friend Charlie enjoys himself. He has huge sailboats, lives on a exclusive Island, and plays golf with celebrities. It has never changed who he is on the inside.
He loves people, and cares about them. He is generous, and he remembers where he came from. His friends are everyday people and some not-so everyday people. My husband and I love this about him, and Charlie helps us every year with our finances.
He sits down with the lawn-care workers and has pizza with them. I know people in my humble neighborhood who wouldn't think of doing this! Are we too important for those around us? Are we happy on the lean times and the good? Can we trust God to provide when we don't see where it's coming from?
I ask myself these questions all the time. Where is my trust? If I look back at my life I can remember many instances when He showed up at the right time. It wasn't my choice of when He should have rushed into the scene, but it was his timing.
We might think that God missed the perfect opportunity to bless us, but he knows the best way to do all things. I need to be reminded of this too. I'm glad I have you to tell these things.