Wednesday, September 19, 2018

" It is right for me to feel this way about all of you, since I have you in my heart; for whether I am in chains or defending and confirming the gospel, all of you share God's grace with me."
Philippians 1:7 NIV

This picture reminds me of my daughters, Rachel and Stephanie. Rachel used to read to Steph since they are 10 years apart. Before Stephanie was born Rachel used to beg me for a baby sister.

Without going into all the details I told her it was out of my hands, and she needed to pray. She did, and I had given it to the Lord to do whatever He wanted. I wanted another daughter, but my husband wanted two children. 

He was thinking two children was a houseful, but not me! I wanted two girls and two boys from when I was a little girl. We used to have a playhouse in our backyard when I was a child. All the children in our neighborhood came to play. There weren't any fences for a while so the open yards made it easy for others to enter and exit easily.

I was the mother, and I had a lot of children. It fits with my teacher and real life mother mode. It fits with my current mode of writing and praying. As Paul says,"It is right for me to feel this way about all of you, since I have you in my heart." I feel this way about you, and those in the prayer ministry I organize, and know from church. 

I don't need to know all the details of everyone else's life. In prayer, I can cover you, as the Spirit gives me discernment. This is the greatest previledge

 of a child of God.  Sometimes we don't know when a prayer is answered. Other times we hear a good report.

God is answering prayer for my sister who lost her house to flood waters this week. A friend is allowing her and family to live in an empty condo near the school where she teaches. 

Her husband's employer is offering food and money. My brother in law said he has never worked for an employer who has been this generous, but he hasn't ever been in need like this before. Thank God, for kindness of people in the Wilmington N.C. area, and those who came in from all over the country.

Please pray for those hit by Hurricane Florence, as it will take months before their lives return to normal. Pray for these circumstances to lead people to lean on Jesus, and truly find His strength for everyday. Thank You!

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