"So that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ." Philippians 1:10 NIV
Now the days are warm, and the nights cool. We begin the autumn season, as September is behind us and October is surging forward.
I seem to just get a grasp on a month and it's gone.
This reminds me to take some time, and look around, and say thanks. We usually think of thanks in November but we have much to be thankful for all year round.
As the people of God we are in the palm of His hands. He watches over us no matter what we are going through. His gaze is forever on us. We are safe, but not free from trials. Our enemy wants to take us down, and he plays dirty.
No wonder Paul prays for his church, "that you may be able to discern what is best, and may be pure and blameless." Christian parents pray this for their children. Teachers pray this for their students. One of the best things we can teach anyone is to be careful.
Carefulness doesn't define discernment, but it's a good place to start. If we can quiet ourselves, and allow spiritual discernment to come ahead of our own feelings and emotions, we have gained ground.
Most of the time, my feelings are way ahead of my brain, but not all of the time anymore. Calling on the Lord in every situation can bring His presence into our everyday. He wants to effect even those small things we take for granted.
Once we see God's hand in the small things, we can accept the reality of His hand in big things too. Sometimes God gives us the choice.