"There is one body and one spirit- just as you were called into one hope when you were called- Ephesians 4:4 NIV
This little girl looks like my daughter Stephanie. She doesn't play any sports as this child does, but she likes to look in the fridge. Usually she says,"Mom what is there to eat?" I would like to reply maybe by saying, You are the one looking in the fridge, you tell me. I don't ever say that.
My daughters only like certain things, my sons like almost anything. After Steph has said her part I usually go down the list of the foods that I have and I know she likes. It can be tough sometimes! She has eaten cereal for dinner more than once.
To make matters worse, what she may like this week, she may not want the next! I cook basic paleo food, but I make anything that my kids may like outside of this. Unity would be a great thing for my family when it comes to mealtime.
Thank God he doesn't give us too many choices.There is one body, The body of Christ, made up of simple individuals. The everyday people like you and me, are who God's people are. Unity comes in the body when all eyes are focused on the head. Christ Jesus, our one and only Savior is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end.
All good things come from His loving hands. He is the hope of nations the Bible says. Biblical hope is steadfast, without wavering. It isn't what we may think. We might say, I hope it doesn't rain. Biblical hope is a strong declaration similar to faith. Our hope is in the Lord. It is unmoving, just as He is.
Life can throw us tsunamis out of left field. We can feel helpless and overwhelmed. In a world with much upheaval it is wonderful to know that Our God reigns! He reigns over every circumstance and situation that we hand over to him.You are being called into His presence where peace and joy can fill your heart. When we release burdens into His capable hands we can be filled with such blessings.
Let God lead you into His peace and grace and carry your heavy burdens for you. We were not made to carry emotional turmoil and heartache. It will weight on us and pull us down. His grace is sufficient for us, and His strength is made perfect in weakness. Based on 2 Corinthians 12:9
Maybe none of this makes any sense to you and you would like to talk. Questions and comments: annrmig@gmail.com Love to all.
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