"To the praise of His glorious grace which He has freely given us in the One he loves." {Ephesians 1:6}
I can't believe that it is still so cold in my house! Those of you in warmer climates, I wish I was there today. We were told by the local news that it would be warmer today, and I guess it is, but not by much. My hope is that it will feel warmer soon. I know it will, because eventually it has to because spring will come. I can take off at least one sweater at that point.
The best way to handle my dilemma is to focus on God's grace as our scripture talks about. Before we dive into this verse, let's backtrack just a little. Right before this, the Apostle Paul says that "he predestined us to be adopted as his sons {and daughters} through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will-"{Ephesians 1:5}
Paul said that none of what God has done for us was ever put together in a weak hap-hazard way. It was an intentional work of God to make you, and call you out of sin and destruction, and it gave him great pleasure! I think if Paul were here today he would shake us physically and say,"DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I AM SAYING, THIS IS HUGE!"I could see him jumping up and down, trying to get our attention.
We haven't touched on grace yet, but whole books are written about this phenomenon. How do I explain spiritual truths with mere words? People have been grappling with this for centuries. We can get a taste of what is heavenly through words, but just a smattering.
Grace is not earned or deserved. It is unmerited favor, that God gives to those who are of the household of faith.Mercy is not getting what you deserve, in terms of punishment for sin, and grace is getting what you don't deserve in terms of blessings.Grace is only found on those who have been washed from their sin, and have dedicated their life to live for Christ.
As I said, we could write for hours and not even touch on all the amazing things God has done because of grace, or favor that he has bestowed on the faithful.We can talk about that tomorrow. I will try my best. Blessings to all.
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