"In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sin, according to the riches of His grace" {Ephesians 1:7} NKJV
I'm wondering if you like my basket? It came with food in it last Christmas or the one before. I had these other items around my house and I combined them to make this wall hanging. At first I wasn't sure if I liked it, but then it grew on me. It hangs in my kitchen, without the words of course.
I know my taste is not the same as everyone else, and I'm fine with it. What kind of a world would we have if everyone only liked one style decor, or clothing, or house? God made each one of us as an original and we can rejoice in how He has made us.
It's good to agree with God in what he has made. It's not prideful, it's accepting who he has made us to be, and being glad about it. This acceptance of self brings peace, and His love can flow out of us in a genuine way. I'm not saying that we love our sin. I'm talking about loving the individual God made you to be. When we abandon the old self, with its selfish, mean and destructive ways, we will truly shine with the glory of the Lord.
Oh dear, I have really strayed off course today, but I know the above paragraphs are meant for several someones. If this is you, grab hold of God's love for who he made you. Even with all your flaws and gifts, and thank him today for the process that he is working in your life, to make you more like Him. Once we surrender to his work, we can relax and go with the flow.
I'm not saying that life will be a picnic when we surrender to God. I do think a lot of stress is tossed to the wind because our striving to do life on our terms is alleviated. We are not alone. Whatever you are feeling there are others who have gone through similar circumstances. The enemy of our souls wants us to feel alienated and alone in our emotions. His lie is that no one has ever felt like you do, and that's just not true.
If you would like to talk to someone who understands, leave a message at the bottom of this blog post, and a caring, praying Christian woman will answer you. God loves you and I do too. "Walk with the King and be a blessing." Robert A. Cook
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