"Do not boast about tomorrow, For you do not know what a day may bring forth." { Proverbs 27:1}
It's true. We don't know what a day may bring. We know that we have certain errands to do, or when we have to do the laundry, but there are things around the corner that are coming our way, and we are not at all aware. This is where are trust in God comes into focus. When we realise that He is good, then everything is fine, or not. Some might say that He is unpredictable, and we can't have peace. I say, that He is unpredictable, in His passionate love and desire to bless us.
I read an prophetic word from a wonderful lady recently.Some of you may have heard about her. Her name is Cindy Jacobs. As she was relating what God put on her heart, she said," You have to give me some faith to work with." This is God, saying to us, declare my word, speak the truth, and don't complain anymore. Isn't this what He has said in his word to us from thousands of years ago? "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." {Hebrews 11:6}
Does God reward those who earnestly seek Him? Let's look at scripture. The apostle Paul was blessed so much by God, that he could sing while in jail. Joseph was blessed for his many years of faithfulness to God, and became 2nd in command over all of Egypt, which meant He could save Israel from starvation. David, who as a boy was sent out into the fields to watch the sheep, and later penned his great worship songs that he learned while doing so. They are a huge part of our Bible, and teach us so much about God's nature and love for His people. We would be lacking if we didn't have The book of Psalms to guide us.
How about today? Can people in our day believe God and see His rewards? When I was dating my husband for six years, God told me to trust Him. I did, and now we have been married for 28 years. We are still in love. God is good! When my son Matthew was a baby, we had a full house. My father in law lived with us after his wife died, and he was at loose ends. A friend gave my Father in law the money to buy a condo in Florida, which he loved, and Matt got his own bedroom! I would never have imagined that one! God made a way for us. I could go on and tell you many answers to prayer and seeing God's intervention in our personal lives. We may think these things only happen in Bible times, but the truth is, we are loved just as much by God as those we read about. Can we trust God to take care of us in this day in which we live? Absolutely!
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