When was the last time you were by the ocean? I have to say that I thought I would have more "ocean time" this year, but somehow it didn't happen. I had the pleasure of visiting the ocean in North Carolina with my sister, at Shell Island and at Topsail Island. These beaches are clean and the water is a light blue. They aren't crowded with people, or boardwalks, just natural sandy beach to walk and look at. Even in the hight of summer you can be alone and enjoy all that's around you. You have to get wet, because it is so hot!
Our New York beaches are not like this. The ocean is never warm, and the Sound is full of rocks. I don't mind the rocks when I wear beach shoes, but the rest of my family won't go with me. I think it's great to have a beach 10 minutes from my house. When I was in Elementary school my Father would take us to the local beach in the summer. He was a teacher so this was his time to get fit, so we were there 3-5 times a week. He used the summer beach experience to lose weight with swimming and my brother, sister and I had the best time ever. It was the happiest time of the year for our family.
When I am at the beach, looking up into the skies seems like the natural thing to do. I remember my husband's Aunt Connie saying when she moved out of New York City, that "the sky is so big out here!" Her sincerity made us laugh, and she was so cute! The sky didn't change, only her perspective did. She got to see more of the sky because nothing was blocking her view. Do you have something blocking your view? "The heavens declare the glory of God, because it goes on for ever. God, has no end and no beginning, and the skies tell us the same. One can only have this revelation at the beach, or on top of a mountain.
Whether you are at sea level, or high in the mountains, your comprehension of all the earth is one of awe and majesty. At these times, we see more of the reality heaven.Who is like our God, who can compare to His matchless grace and love? Do you know of any that can equal His divine wisdom and power? Can someone else create all out of nothing? You could spend all of your life looking, and all of your relatives after you for hundreds of years and come up with nothing. No one can match the one and only, sovereign, Holy, maker, creator, divine One.
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