"Bless the Lord, all my soul, and all that is within me bless His holy name. {Psalm 103:1}
What is it with this generation? So many of them want to take their own picture. I know it is wrapped up in all the lies that social media tells kids, and wanting to measure up to what "others" say about them, but what are our young people saying to themselves? What are you saying to yourself?
What we say on the inside may be different than what comes out of our mouths. When we have peace within, we say good things to ourselves, regardless of what anyone else might say . What if your self talk isn't good? What if all you do on the inside is belittle who you are and what you do?
Most of us, at one time or another have experienced self-doubt, fear, anger or other emotions that rob us of what God says about us. We get lost in the mess of what our old self says, and we don't hear clearly what the new-woman on the inside says.Our soul is caught up in turmoil instead of blessing the Lord. This can cause damage to our self-image, and pull us into despair and depression.
I have good new! Jesus is in the business of changing what we say to ourselves! How do I know? He has changed me, on the inside, so that my self-talk displays who He says I am and not what I learned in a mixed up household. My family had so many things working against it, but by God's grace He lifted me out of a negative self-image, and made me ALIVE! When I learned what God said about me, my life changed, and it is still changing today, 40 years later! This was a process, and may take time, but it will be the best use of your time ever!
He calls you and I "His beloved" in the Song Of Solomon. He gathers us under His wing as a mother hen does with her chicks. Matthew 23:37 He calls us "His daughters." He gives us a crown, but in our awe of His splendor we cast them at His feet. He promises to "never leave us or forsake us," even when we forsake him. He forgives us when we ask him to, not 7x7 but 70 x 7, which really means forever. He takes us back if we have wandered, and He doesn't hold a grudge. His love for us is never waning, not half hearted, but always passionate, and all-encompassing. When we meditate on what the Word of God has to say, our lives go from black and white to technic-color. Praise His Name!
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