August 21, 2017
Hello my on-line friends! I want to tell you about my friend Solomon today. Most of you have heard of him from 1 Kings 3. This is verse 3:" Solomon loved the Lord, walking in the statutes of his father David, except that he sacrificed and burned incense at the high places."I find this strange because Solomon loving the Lord, would mean he would never go to the high places, and not ever offer to God there. Scripture in Deuteronomy is clear when God spoke to Moses that the high place, being a place for pagan gods to be worshipped, was not an acceptable place for Him to be worshipped.
Worship to the one True God, should never be mixed with a place where false, bondage- causing worship would be given! Isn't the One and Only, God of the entire universe, and those beyond be worshipped in the right way? Why would Solomon compromise like this, and what influences were part of his life? If we look at the first verse in this chapter, we learn that Solomon had already married the Egyptian Pharaoh's daughter. Don't you think this choice could be flooding his mind with compromise?
We are not given much information about Pharaoh's daughter, but even if she had converted to worshipping the God of the Israelites, she would have come into this union with additional baggage.
Living in Egypt all of her life until now, had to influenced her life. We know from chapter 11 of 1 Kings that Solomon changes his mind because it is said of him, "But King Solomon loved many foreign women."Oh Solomon, how I wish I could be there to tell you not to go this way! Please don't make the same mistakes other Kings of Israel had made! Isn't it true, if we are honest with ourselves, that we have made life decisions that have changed us and our families?
What can I do? Even if I was able to go back in time, and warn the King, he probably wouldn't listen to me anyway. The best I can do right now in 2017 is watch my own life, for compromise. I can see little decisions of my past that turned in monsters in my life later on.The body of Christ is in place for this very thing! We need to be able to speak to a believing brother or sister of footholds in their lives. We should not take offense if a loving, caring person tries to correct us. We are to make wise decisions, and if someone who truly cares for us, wants to help, we need to consider what is said. Not everyone in our lives fits into this very special category. Pray about who may fit into your life in this way, and then stomp on the devil's foot, and close the door to him. Blessings and love.
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