"The Lord reigns; Let the peoples tremble! He dwells between the cherubim; Let the earth be moved! The Lord is great in Zion, And He is high above all the peoples. {Psalm 99:1-2}
What can we say when we serve such a wonderful God? Music says it perfectly! Music was created for us to worship God, until the worship leader went south. Satan thought himself more glorious than God, and decided to change the very essence of music in heaven. Fortunately he didn't get very far. He has influenced music on earth however. We have seen the ravages of sin and death from these venues.
I can so identify with music bursting out from inside of me. It is such an incredible way to communicate a feeling, emotion, and thought. I have always been a music fan, and when I was a child I would dance freely whenever it played. Have I forgotten that joy from within? No. My dancing is only for the Lord to see, because I don't want any of you laughing!
He understands exactly what I mean when I am moved to the melody, or sing out loud. You don't need to see this, but I need to do it. Worship is meant to move all of our being, not just our mouths. It is so beyond comparison to know the God of the Universe, how can I keep it inside? I hope you have let it out too! Our hearts are not meant to hold this inside. Let there be an outburst of your soul!