Monday, April 3, 2017

This is summer! Ok, we have a while to go, but before you know it we will have warm sand on our beaches too. I love to pretend that I can smell the salty air, and feel the strong breezes that come off the water. The sunshine glistening on the water makes me so glad that I only live a few miles from the Long Island Sound. I could go there now, but I probably will enjoy it more when it is warmer.

We all like to remember those feel-good moments when we can be in the fresh open air, and be free to walk for ever, or so it seems. Can you recall a special time with God when He spoke something profound to your heart? Maybe He told you that He heard your prayer about a loved one who was ill, or that He was aware of your friend's need to trust in Jesus. Maybe He told you that your worries were over because He was in control of your child's life, or that your husband would give his heart to the Lord. Whatever it was, remember that today.

We can forget about how much Jesus loves us, and how many times He has said, "Don't worry my daughter, I have your world in the palm of my hands. As long as you trust me, I will make it all work for my glory." When we trust as He says to, our body is calm, our blood pressure can be in order, and our stress leaves. He lifts us up on eagle's wings, far above the daily grind, of whose picking up the kids after work, or what's for dinner. In the secret place, of His grace, it doesn't matter that the dog ran away, or that guests are coming for dinner. He calls us to His side, and says, " Rise up, my love, my fair one and come away. For lo, the winter is past, The rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth; The time of singing has come." Song of Solomon 2:10-12

Can you go to that place with Him right now? Can you block out all the noise, and tell Him that you remember the times He has answered your prayer. Can you praise Him above the noise, and trust Him for the matters at hand. He will see you through!

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