Thursday, December 15, 2016

This is my front door. The trees light up at night but it doesn't come out in a photo. Today is our first very cold day and the wind is blowing,  and a little dusting of snow. It is even colder in Chicago where my daughter is; Stay warm Rachel! She will be coming home next Wednesday. I can't wait! Nothing happens until she is here.

I hope you are well today and warm. Next week it will be back in the 40's and we will not be bundled up so much. God is on the move regardless of the weather, or anything else. It amazes me that none of what we go through is a consideration for Him. He is far above it, but He still is aware of, and understands how we feel. Can you think of what it is like in Florida at 85 degrees today?

 Can you imagine what it is like in heaven without any stressor, always perfect temperature, and no sin or darkness? Beauty abounds everywhere you look and go. You are perfectly fulfilled and worshipping the Lover of your soul, Our Lord Jesus Christ! He is at the center of all things, and His eye is on you alone.

Such an atmosphere of love, and acceptance is exactly why Jesus died for us. His heart was towards us in such a way that nothing would keep Him for fulfilling His life's purpose. And He did this so that we could feel heaven now. Get alone with God, maybe bring your Bible, and a pen so you can write what He speaks to your heart. Allow His word to wash over you, putting every other thought aside. Call on Him, The King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Hear Him call you child, my daughter, come to me! You will never be the same!

" though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered. And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him." {Hebrews 5:8-9}

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