Wednesday, September 21, 2016

This is the display that I used at my church to tell the ladies about the "Uninvited" Bible Study. It's about Living Loved when you feel less than, Left Out, and Lonely. I was reading through the first study guide last night, and I got so excited. It is FULL of Bible verses that will make us solid, and whole on the inside. It starts this Sunday morning at Smithtown Gospel Tabernacle, at 10:30. We would love to have all women join us. Maybe you don't feel left out, but it sounds interesting to you. We need you to be a blessing to the rest of us!

The book and workbook are in the church bookstore, and can be purchased together for $20.00. That being said, listen to this verse: "The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in Him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with His hand. {Psalm 37:23-24}
Do you remember as a child being carried by someone who was strong and capable? Maybe it was your father, Uncle or Grandfather. You could completely relax, and many times as youngsters we could have fallen asleep, because we had the reassurance of safety. That is the feeling I get as I read this verse. We may not get everything perfect, but we are still held, because our heart is toward the Lord. "The Lord upholds me with His hand" Could there be anything more powerful in your life than this? Be wonderfully Blessed today, my dear ladies.

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