For I will pour water on him who is thirsty, And floods on the dry ground; I will pour my spirit on your descendants, And My blessing on your offspring: {Isaiah 44:3}
What is the variable in this blessing? What do you need to have before you can be blessed? You need to be dry, not satisfied with everything around you. Thirst can make a person weary. Water is so crucial to a person's well-being, without it everything breaks down. God never pushes Himself on anyone. He desires for us to seek after Him.
Can you lean on Jesus when things seem upside down? This is the gospel, learning to lean, trust and obey. Can He fill your cup? Absolutely!! All He asks is that we look at His beautiful face, take a long
look, and be refreshed, and set free from these temporal things that only drag us down. He is waiting for you today.
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