It's time to think of 2017! Ugh! That's the first time I have typed it, what a surprise, it crept up on me, and bit me right between the eyes. I guess every year does that, it's just that I don't ever catch on to the fact that time is moving faster than I would like. Praise God, He is in control, and His plans will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven.
Speaking of God's plan, how do we fulfill His plan for our lives while we are here? Every individual finds out what God has for them by reading the Bible, His handbook on life. It is not instantaneous, like driving up to the window of Starbucks; it takes daily reading, memorizing, contemplating, and meditating in God's word.
The seed that is planted in the heart will take root, and grow stronger daily. Water, sunshine, and good ground!I have been inundated recently with e-mails about how to grow spiritually in 2017. This is all well and good, because we think of the New Year as a good time to change. All the Bible studies in the world won't change us if we don't have a heart for God in the first place. I have done dozens of Bible studies in the past few years, and I will continue to, because I can glean from them the truth and apply it to my heart. You can too, but first you have to be hungry!
Hunger for God only comes through gaining an appetite for more of Him. Reading God's word will make you hungry for more! It may not seem like anything at first, but keep going in obedience, and God will honor that. No matter where you are in your walk with God, you can gain a greater desire for Him. "Perfect love casts out all fear."We become fearful if we have not had the best of relationships with others, and thinking of having a relationship with God, well, that too can seem daunting, no, maybe overwhelming is a better way to put it.
"It's His kindness that leads us to repentance." Jesus, In His compelling love and desire for us, wants us to be free. He wants to give us body rest, soul, and spirit. "Come to me, all that are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest." " Cast all your cares upon me, "Jesus says, "And I will give you rest." I need rest, How about you?